Cowgirls and Dragons

Cowgirls and Dragons: 159k Words

Ebook: Amazon, Smashwords

Paperback: Amazon

It seems that Vampire killers get no respect. One would think that protecting people from a race that would suck them dry and throw the desiccated husks on the street would earn some respect. One would think that converting large mythological beasts from enemies to allies would earn some gratitude. One would think that healers who use more than medicine along with their medical training could practice without fear of exposure. Such is not the case.

The book “Cowgirls and Dragons” explores the lives of people who do these things and who are forced into hiding because of it. “Cowgirls and Dragons” is the sequel to “My Three Warlocks.” The team, led by a teenage girl, finds ways to make peace and form coalitions with creatures who were enemies of both the humans and each other. Allied with powerful ancient wizards, they win over the dragons, shape-shifters, and practitioners of dark magic. The only adversaries they cannot overcome are the vampires, despite many gruesome lop-sided battles, and the evangelicals.

Even the wisdom and counsel of ancient wizards and a shaman do not prepare them for the conflicts that lie ahead. Left to their instincts, the youngsters forge on with their lives recruiting friends. They learn to use the magic they are only beginning to understand the hard way, in combat. For the girl leader and her boyfriend, their most trusted and reliable companions are their horses. Noble, intelligent steeds, they carry their friends places no horse should be expected to go.

This book is suitable for teens and older, but it is not suitable for evangelicals. CRT TRIGGER WARNING


One Wounded Pilot


My Three Warlocks