Finding Love on the Flightline

Finding Love on the Flightline: 110+k Words

Ebook: Club Lighthouse Publishing Amazon


What happens when the girl at the point of the triangle in a rom-com decides to go with the flannel shirt guy and the three-piece suit guy does not get thrown in the trash? Mix in a fleet of aircraft, some teens, some airborne rescue missions, and a bit of skullduggery, and that’s the story.

After being rescued by helicopter from a yacht, the elderly owner of an air charter company sets his grandson up on a date with the paramedic who rescued him. The grandson has recently assumed the manager position at the charter company’s latest depot at the same airport where the paramedic is stationed. Whether one considers their first weekend together a success depends entirely on one’s viewpoint. They like each other, but the family hates her. She reciprocates.

The air charter company’s chief pilot, a retired Air Force Colonel, recognizes that the paramedic and the grandson are not well matched but that the charter company’s chief mechanic is a much better option for the paramedic. Her attempts at matchmaking are met with limited success until a pivotal event occurs half a year after the helicopter rescue.

Meanwhile, an attorney, a refugee from his father’s established Chicago law firm, who is the county’s agent for the airport properties, invites his sister, a successful entrepreneur with a 3D Printing business, to move her company to the airport he manages. Since her company relies heavily on contract air courier services to deliver the specialized parts she produces, having an air charter company on the same property should give her a significant competitive advantage.

The attorney’s sister’s new target market is 3D-printed bones and joints. The paramedic’s sister is an orthopedic surgeon and joins the enterprise.

So, we now have three potential couples. They take their sweet time sorting it all out. They perform airborne rescues, weather a hurricane, produce an airshow, support humanitarian causes, and grow the local family as relatives and friends join the synergy.

The story is easy to read and contains nothing that anyone except followers of Governor Greg Abbott or Donald Trump should find offensive.




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