May You Meet a Stranger

May You Meet a Stranger: 83k words

Ebook: Club Lighthouse, Amazon

Paperback: Amazon

Audiobook: Barnes and Noble, Libro, Bingebooks, Storytel, Chirpbooks, Google, Scribd,, Kobo, Audible, Hoopla

On the verge of flunking out at the end of his junior year at the university, Teddy, a music student, returns home to spend the last few hours of his mother’s life with her and his family. He serenades her for that last night from the grand piano in their living room until she breathes her last. While the family is still together, he announces that he is not returning to school. After the funeral, the family disperses, leaving him alone with the piano.

A few days after the funeral, while Teddy is pouring his soul out to the piano, Samantha, a young woman who lives across the street and has listened to him play, enters the room and his life. They bond over the music, spending the rest of the day singing until Samantha’s sister and mother arrive. Music is the vehicle that brings them together. As the evening gives way to the night, the bond between Teddy and Samantha strengthens until it dominates their thoughts. In their quest to carve out a life for themselves, they change the lives of everyone in their community.



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