Solomon Family Warriors

Solomon Family Warriors: 500k words

Ebook: Amazon, Smashwords

This book includes all eight volumes of the “Solomon Family Warriors” Series. It follows seven generations of a space-traveling warrior family as they attempt to wrest peace from the grasp of war. The Space Force essentially gave a band of people with recognized psychopathic homicidal tendencies a license to kill and the weapons with which to do it. The Force did not have high expectations of the pilots’ survival rate. Still, two of these killers, only slightly more ethical than the pirates they hunted, took their warships and went into hiding to raise a family. When their enemies found them, they discovered defenses built by the most brilliant students ever to disgrace the Space Force Academy. Successive generations of this family carried the teachings with them as they battled religious zealots, slave traders, corporate raiders, and many of the same pirates their parents had faced. This book is the story of five generations of a space-traveling family who would prefer to be left alone. CRT TRIGGER WARNING


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